Email from accounting securetrackautomaticfaxsystem
trackable ACCPAC


How ACTIONdocs works

The following diagram details the innovative ACTIONdocs email system. Scroll below the diagram for more detailed information

1. Online document created
Whenever you print to a ACTIONdocs-enabled printer (such as PDFBlaster) ACTIONdocs automatically extracts the important metadata contained in each document. From there ACTIONdocs builds a secure, web-accessible version of your accounting document.

2. Email notification
Your customer is then emailed a notification of the document. The email has a special link to a secure site for viewing the document.

3. Document viewer
When the customer links to the document from the notification email, they are taken to a secure site to view the document in PDF format. There, they can also view the important metadata associated with the document (time sent, from, notes, etc.) They can print and/or save the document too.

Your Online Administration Site
As an ACTIONdocs customer, you will be given a special login and password to access your online administration site. There you will be able to view information on every document you've sent through ACTIONdocs (via fax or email). You can also resend and delete documents.

1. Document searching
The administration site allows you to search on keywords, date sent, recipient company, job type (email, fax, both), job status (opened, not opened), and more.

2. Document tracking
For each document you can track the following information real-time: document sent, document received, document opened.

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